Clearing the Clutter: Old Words for a New Life

Where have I been? I have been clearing clutter.

Sixteen years’ worth of accumulated notes, gems and (mostly) nonsense had to be sorted before 31 August 2012, which is when I left the safety of employment in Human Resources Management. Previously, when moving from office to office, I did not have time to sort, and simply carried the nonsense with me.  This time it had to go, and I had a free hand.

At home, before starting my new venture, I had to clear a space in which to work. What we have euphemistically called “the study” had to be reclaimed.  Usually marriages are made up of one pack rat and one neat freak.  Our happy marriage comprises two hoarders. Twenty years’ worth of notes, gems and (mostly) nonsense had to be sorted and (mostly) thrown out.  It’s a liberating experience. The picture shows the long-hidden carpet and an almost-forgotten desk.

But all of that has left little time for blogging, especially as I have also had to work on a new website, arrange business cards and start looking for business; the latter, I’m sure you will appreciate, being quite important.

Let me share with you a word from Brother Lawrence that has been an almost daily prayer of mine over many years as I start work in the morning.

“O my God, since you are with me, and I must now, in obedience to your commands, apply my mind to these outward things, please grant me the grace to continue in your presence; and to this end prosper me with your assistance, receive all my works and possess all my affections.”


Filed under Blogging, Odds & Ends, Prayers and Meditations

8 responses to “Clearing the Clutter: Old Words for a New Life

  1. My wife and I are going through a reorganization and clearing of clutter right now. It’s good for the soul to eliminate and feel we’re gaining greater control.


  2. Edna N Ramirez

    I just added this feed to my bookmarks. I have to say, I very much enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks!


  3. Farzhana

    All the best in deed.


  4. Judy

    All the best in your new venture Ian!! May God continue to Bless you!


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